Friday, 6 March 2009

IF 'Intricate'

Poor Tiddles is struggling with his jigsaw, as his paws are too big to hold the pieces easily. What happens next is that all the pieces go flying in the air! Nasty, fiddly, intricate little pieces! I've heard nothing from the agent re. the USA trip - maybe no news is good news, but I'll be sure to let you know when I hear something. Probably be after the weekend now, so have a great one everybody!


valerie walsh said...

very adorable! i love it :)

atelier nanda said...

I like your illustration. Good idea of the puzzle.

Jess said...

How frustrating for him. He's a great juggler though! A lovely picture, so original.x

Kacey said...

What a cute character, I love the hatched lines!

Duncan said...

Lovely little character, like your Noddy drawing too.

Judith said...

Oh I so sorry that you haven't heard anything yet - lets hope you hear soon. I love todays post -where do you get your ideas from? Judith

MrBibleHead said...

Awww poor tiddles! Love your artwork and the little story line. Great job! Thanks for stopping by.

Koya Moon said...

Awww...those fiddly puzzles. Tiddles has perfect paws, I'd say!

quiltcat said...

I think blogger must have eaten my post! This is so Tiddles' grumpy eyes, and he looks so relieved tossing the puzzle in the air!

fashion fucsia said...

Ha ha!!! Funny illo!
I love the T-shirt with the polar bear pattern