Saturday 19 September 2009

The Nine Eco-Schools Topics

Here are The Stepford Bunnies cleverly demonstrating the nine Eco-topics which I work to in schools. My job is to specifically deliver the 'energy' topic, but I still help with all the others. It's great fun, and I'm really enjoying working with the kids - they have such great ideas, and are so up for saving the planet, what an inspiration they are! I am finding it pretty tiring, though, and go to bed about eight o'clock every night - but I'm hoping that as I get more used to the commuting etc, I will get a bit more of a life, ha ha!


Owen said...

What a pleasure to see all the creative ways you're sharing energy topics with the kids here... I would think alot of schools would want to use your material...

quiltcat said...

glad to see those bad bunnies are being such good assistants to Tiddles in his important work!