Sunday, 27 September 2009

Bob Goes to the Shop and Fluffy saves the World!

I have had the absolute pleasure of working with 295 Primary School children this week. At the end of my Energy Presentation, I get them to do a little task - here are a couple of cute examples of their 'Energy-Saving' comic strips! I think they are such fun, and wanted to share a couple with you!

Sunday, 20 September 2009

Educational Bunny

So it just goes to prove, the Stepford Bunnies have changed their ways and become role models for young minds! Big up those Bunnies!

Saturday, 19 September 2009

The Nine Eco-Schools Topics

Here are The Stepford Bunnies cleverly demonstrating the nine Eco-topics which I work to in schools. My job is to specifically deliver the 'energy' topic, but I still help with all the others. It's great fun, and I'm really enjoying working with the kids - they have such great ideas, and are so up for saving the planet, what an inspiration they are! I am finding it pretty tiring, though, and go to bed about eight o'clock every night - but I'm hoping that as I get more used to the commuting etc, I will get a bit more of a life, ha ha!

Sunday, 13 September 2009

Tiddles' Tips!

Here's Tiddles explaining all about hydro-electric power- well, he will be, this is just the introduction! I see he has bought himself another new jumper too! Next, there will be a new car on the drive!

Saturday, 12 September 2009

So far, so good!

Well, I've survived my first three weeks! Tiddles and I gave a presentation to a class of real, live children last Monday. The subject was 'Reduce, Reuse, Recycle', so I had a great time showing them rubbish out of the bin, and discussing ways in which we can reduce the amount of waste we produce...the kids were so lovely and enthusiastic! They adored Tiddles and the Stepford Bunnies, and after my talk, we all got down to drawing our own Fluffville comic strips, with an eco-theme! Brilliant! I will show you some of these as soon as I get copies of them, they're very sweet and funny!